jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

The Book.

Do you consider yourself a good reader? If so, what do you enjoy reading?

Books have played a fundamental role in my life, show me a world where my imagination fly to places where I can not get in real life.

Personally, I consider myself very well read, as I often read books dedicated to stories of love and Nobel fantastic.

what do you enjoy reading?

I like reading books, which have to do with fantastic and supernatural stories, such as harry potter journey to the center of the earth.
I also love books that contain role plays and book that contain problems very complicated that are not easy to resolve.

What are you reading at present? Give a brief summary of the content of it.

I am currently reading a book about of political science and another book to make public policies and philosophy of society.

The Book: “mallas de poder” written for Focault, is a interesting textbook trying to explain the power and its origin, and apply it to different societies.

Is there a book you remember in a special way? Why? Summarise it if possible.

Yes, I remember a special book which its name is “Cronicas de Narnia, el Leon la bruja y el ropero” wrote for C.S. Lewis. This book represent to me a infancy which I could not live.

What could the state do to promote reading more among the young?

The state in Chile, could stimulate reading among young people, applying politics in the area where more affected for the illiteracy.

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

The evolution of women

Today, although we should note that because the social gap between
men and women has narrowed considerably, although there are still
traces of this discrimination, for example, if you look at the
salaries of men is generally higher than that of
public policy at some point reduced the possibility of
that women could be inserted in all areas of daily life,
but fortunately this situation has been changing as the demands
the social sector has been gaining weight and strength in the political arena

today, we move evenly and slowly, to a future where relations between the sexes have equal opportunities, at least that we see today in various situations, and most emblematic, our former president of the republic.
health, education and other topics of current political and contingent, there is a method to implement policies more sharply targeted to a sector, but there are exceptions such as programs for pregnant women and some men's health plans.

I think in the future, the social reality for dramatic change for women, since they represent a very important contribution in national policies.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

My mobile sony ericsson s500i is very important

My favourite piece of technology is my cell phone.
My phone is very important to communicate with my friends, family, college friends and my Classmates.
My cell phone was a present of my mom for my birthday number nineteen.
My mobile is black with blue in the screen,
it is fifteen centrimetres wide.
I use my mobile for all, listen music with him, read pdf-book and email, play a small games, transfer information, take a photografies and call a any person.
how often I use my cell phone is every day, at all times, even to see when I wake up in the morning, I program my homework of the university, even keep notes to remember important dates of my loved ones.
I love my cellphone, because it is a good brand: sony ericcson, and because it is very small and I can take you anywhere. I also like that the model is very attractive, and allows me to do the basics that a person in our day need to do to survive.
Mi live without it, will be complicated, because giveme very benefit everyday.

The mobiles in our time is fundamental.

I can not believe as soon not live without it.

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Who can't live without it?

Who can't live without it?

The music in my live is a very important, who was present at all times in my development as a teenager. When I was little, my mother always sang me lullabies, and my dad sang Intillimani group.

Then, when I go to basic school, I started to like the tropical music, it was actually a social condition in which he was condemned to live....

Two years later, I do not like the tropical music, because it was very popular, and that I do not like. A friend, whose name is cristian, convinced me to listen to rock, awakening a new person inside me, causing tremendous changes that I could never imagine...

That change in my life, was essential to understand many things that were happening around me. With the rock pass the best moments of my childhood.

When I entering high school, my tastes have changed a lot, and not listening rock, and I did not mind the music, only studied and thought about getting good grades.

At a party with my classmates, I look a woman, she returned the sense of music, her name was Francisca, and from that moment I could not stop listening to the song with which I met her.

currently, Francisca, is my girlfriend.

Finally, I love all music, and have a big respect for this tropicals groups, because they are the masters of music, when I was a child.

music in my life is love, and love is everything

jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

I have a Dream

My name is Alfonso Santiago Baquedano Ibañes and I have 20 years of age.
I live alone with my father, and I love animals, I have two dogs and a cat.
Since very little, I was part of a scout group, where I taught
many values, and that's where I discovered my vocation to help others.
While this dream aside, I decided to continue building my future in relation
with what I like, government ... and here I am ¡¡

domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009

Resumen Teoria y estructuras sociales.

Autor: Merton.
Capitulo: Funciones manifiestas y latentes.